Quick Write 2

Wow, that's amazing; fresh. Was the special gift given for a specific cause from the King as well? That is totally awesome. I'm giggling.
If the King is included I'm completely ecstatic now.

The news about the gift I read this morning at 6:30am.
If the contributed gift has anything to do with me, either from the Prince or the Prince and King = Fantastic.

I could be wrong. Though, if it does, I'm guessing the concept of the deal was acceptable. Depending on the scale, I could even accept 90% You and 10% me. To at least satisfy the demands of a team is my concern. I'll calculate it later.


I might explain why, if the great Prince could be upset.
Recently, I wrote that certain kinds of people would do anything for money. Hence, the rich should hold a variety of exclusive privileges -- like better safeguards to protect themselves.
Security for the rich would permit: to purchase a firearm; do a routine background check about someone; or inspect misc. sources of someoneā€¦.

In one email I wrote, in 1993 when a criminal illegally acted they asked for 1 million dollars as ransom.
Next, I said 1 million dollars is small amount of money.

The value of anything to a man is very dependent on the situation.
For a man, a kiss from a popular girl might be worth more than winning a car in the lottery.
In addition, winning a million dollars in a game of poker, has a different worth than stealing 1 million dollars from a home.
For criminals, the value of 1 million dollars is dependent on the degree of inherent risk or danger.
The crime in the email story involves: Using a gun to place at risk an immensely valuable human life (the woman); Giving an offense to a rich famous man of casinos (some Vegas casinos may tie to the 'mafia')'; Risking confinement for 15-30 years as a prison sentence.
Is 1 million dollars worth these 3 risks?
20 million or more for this crime may fit better the danger, and in comparison 1 million is the minimum for the danger.
I hope that sounds okay.

Another example is, if a Prince sent me a regular paper postcard that's an exceptional gesture of value perhaps because of the potential.
If your generosity has something to do with me, the suggestion is good.
A potential agreement is acknowledged, it's bound to memory, and made available to wait for future use. This preliminary course is finished. It's excellent. I look forward to complete it. Finally, soon I can rest my worries and take a vacation.
Thank you highly and kindly.




P.S. One example is the kiss over the car, although it also depends on the kind of car.

Post: September 8, 2023, 1pm PDT