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The latest information of Mipa is he’s been in anxiety, that is pointing a finger to certain people as responsible. The implicit suspect may include me as a strong influence in the group. The result is, anger was conveyed in glimpses.

If I am being targeted, formally in fair arguments we must hear both sides of the story.
Here I explain. At least traces of anger were from Mipa, however everyone will steam at some point in life. The better question is: Is Mipa’s anger for the right reasons or for the wrong reasons?


The Right Reason a person angers (online) is when someone else … :
1) Tells lies;
2) Twists the truth;
3) Degrades the person with negativity.
4) Does a very indecent act.

If Mipa bursts with some anger about me that would result from the ‘papers' I wrote.
The web pages I had written primarily have facts as their basis, and deduction are made from those facts.
#1) Am I telling lies? Facts are the truth, and what’s true is not a lie.
#2) Am I twisting the truth (with my deductions)? My deductions are general conclusions from the apparent signs, that any person would as well create a similar or equal answer as them. When each reader learns the facts, and personally earns a similar answer firsthand, no part of that process can be twisted away from sincerity by a second hand.
#3) Am I degrading with negativity? My deductions are thoughts without emotions. Normally, there is no feeling in conclusions, hence with none no negativity degrades it.
#4) Am I doing a very indecent act? For mere defense, writing facts isn’t wrong or indecent. Also, impersonal deductions from facts are not wrong to do, but are natural next steps.


The Wrong Reason a person angers is when the person acts wrongly, and that wrong act is exposed to the sight of others. The person feels flawed an perhaps shame.
Wrong acts need to be exposed, or injury to others could continue. Excusable wrong acts are accidental or not intentional.

The question is repeated. If Mipa was angry at me, was it for right or wrong reasons? Already, I excused my actions from being the Right Reasons of anger.


Published: September 10, 2024, 10am PDT
Update: 11pm - Changed title and image.